
Free Phone Meeting Ongoing Every Thursday Night 

Weekly based on the Principles of…

When It’s On The Plate, It’s Way Too Late!
~Flip Your Thoughts to Weight Loss

With ~ Coach Cherie  


To participate follow these simple instructions;  Call in at 5:57pm (PST)
Dial: 1-712-832-8282 Listen for instructions then enter Code: 452298
I will be standing by for YOU! It’s free! Invite your friends! Talk with YOU Thursday!
Don’t hesitate to call/text me if you have any questions; 818-456-7710


Coach Cherie will be teaching, preaching and cheerleading you on Obtaining and Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight for Life! 


A Weekly meeting of; When It’s On The Plate, It’s Way Too Late! ~Flip Your Thoughts to Weight Loss

Embracing a new dimension of Obtaining and Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight for Life!

Mini-Highlights of Our Weekly Topics

  • Our feelings are greatest guide back to our seat of Power/ ie YOUR concept of God

  • Take your power back from THE FRACTURED SELF where our addictions grew up and out of

  • I’m not addicted to Food! I’m addicted to Eating!

  • Learn to create, live and rely on the United-Self

  • Stop seeking power in the powerless ie food

  • What YOU are seeking is seeking YOU!

  • 95 % of the problem is in the mind 5% is on the plate

  • guilt free eating; Freedom and Peace, YOUR choice is empowering

  • Stop exchanging one prison for another; diet, relapse, weight gain, diet, relapse weight gain

  • Match YOUR lifestyle with YOUR Foodstyle; Not a Foodstyle to limit your lifestyle

  • Intense training negates instinct. Take the risk of training yourself back to the land of the living & the free.

  • Learn how to sync up with your seat of power and get down to living with real time life experience.

  • It takes a village to overcome the turbulent mind of the fractured self

  • Stop canceling yourself out

  • Plan YOUR pain so YOU can live your pleasure

  • Relapse does not start on the scale or on the plate. Its starts with one insane idea coming to us in the form of common sense.

  • My acronym; T.H.E.M. = Thoughts Having Emotional Mantras!

  • Track your thoughts not your food

  • Judgment is the rocket fuel for both YOUR ego & YOUR addiction

  • The Fractured-self always wants to desperately protect its self, so when it hits an emotional landmine it believes it has the power to protect its self with its false idol…food…It seeks Power in the powerless.

  • Relapse is always rationalized with insanity. It then reaches its final outcome by the choice we make in our minds, followed by a disaster on the plate

  • One of the greatest successes that the addicted eater can ever experience is the ability to overcome the tortured beast that drives our fractured-self’s into addiction

  • My thoughts, my choice…my negatively charged thoughts always are leading me to my size 6 or my size 24!


To participate follow these simple instructions;  Call in at 5:57pm (PST)
Dial: 1-712-832-8282 Listen for instructions then enter Code: 452298
I will be standing by for YOU! It’s free! Invite your friends! Talk with YOU Thursday!
Don’t hesitate to call/text me if you have any questions; 818-456-7710

You are not going to “lose” weight you are going to Shed-The-Dead-Weight the dead weight that has been shackled to the best part of YOU. You will learn to be comfortable and embrace the words “I’m gonna die!”…Because YOU ARE GOING TO DIE. Die to that false self. To that “FRACTURED SELF”. You will make peace with the feeling that has stopped you each and every time you’ve gone out and tried to put a life together. And you will finally come to see that the terror of dialing down the food will come to feel no more significant than pulling off a Band-Aid…because it’s time to rip that sucker off! Ie addiction…

You will learn that “H.A.L.T.”; Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired is way too late. You will identify YOUR own personal Halt so you always maintain the power of choice. You will be amazed and empowered that eating to self-medicate is not all that GOD has in store for you. 

Please join me to learn the truth about your “Fractured Self”, a part within you that wants to be soothed with food while the best part of you does not. Get new tools to understand and apply that we all have the power of choice. And every choice has a feeling! Every decision we make is a decision to feel better! 

Let’s come together as a community and get down to where all the mess is being created …our thoughts not thighs, brains not bellies


Where ever YOU are! Where ever you want!


Every Thursday Night!

Meeting starts promptly at 6:00 pm (pst)


To participate follow these simple instructions;  Call in at 5:57pm (PST)
Dial: 1-712-832-8282 Listen for instructions then enter Code: 452298
I will be standing by for YOU! It’s free! Invite your friends! Talk with YOU Thursday!
Don’t hesitate to call/text me if you have any questions; 818-456-7710


Because I don’t want you to waste 11 years of your life like I did trying to figure it. Because I don’t want one more moment of your life chained to our self-imposed prison. Because I don’t want you to isolate and be terrible to YOU! Because I don’t want you to exchange one prison for another. Because YOU matter to me. Because it cuts me to my core when I see my friends & fellows in the pain of relapse. Because through enlarging my Spiritual life I discovered that my feelings are the greatest guide back to my seat of power. Because I no longer had to deal with relapse on the plate and on the scale. It is so much easier to deal with relapse where it originates; in the mind; its thoughts not thighs, its brains not bellies.     


To participate follow these simple instructions;  Call in at 5:57pm (PST)
Dial: 1-712-832-8282 Listen for instructions then enter Code: 452298
I will be standing by for YOU! It’s free! Invite your friends! Talk with YOU Thursday!
Don’t hesitate to call/text me if you have any questions; 818-456-7710

If YOU can’t make the meeting and want to take action now click here to go to the COACHING PODS page.

Your Coaching Pod with the Pod Squad 24/7 Text Loop will link you through the week’s ups and downs where you get individualized help on the messiness of our lives that drives us to eat. You will have the intimacy of support as you move from wanting to doing. In Body, Mind, and Spirit!

I can hardly wait to speak with YOU Thursday night and seeing YOU grow into the person that you desire to be!


Your Coach,
